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Steve's Blog

Posts received : Tuesday, January 04

Received 01/04/2011 13:32


Happy New Year !!! Isn't television a pile of shit? It's getting worse. I don't ever seem to be able to turn the thing on and find anything of interest, ever. Ok I recorded the March Of The Penguins, which I haven't watched yet, but Christmas and New Year Tv just apperaed to obsessed with itself. With the in people, and the out people and the put it all about people. SHIT! Now I'm hoping for a good year (isn't everyone) in my terms, I mean creatively. I have had the worse case of writers block ever. I've talked with my good mate Darren Poyzer about who seems to think it will come when it comes. He maybe right, but it's worrying me. My writing tends to be like a snowball. If I'm feeling creative and can buzz off the audience or the muso's in the studio, it just grows and grows. But I've had such bad luck with the studio side of things and being able to get people together so much that it has been heartbreaking and soul destroying. I haven't been going out of the house, to any gigs, playing, writing. Absolute loss of confidence in my ability. How do I turn it around? I have no idea, none at all. I thought if I could at least start with a blog update it may get things moving. I need to be me and I need to write. I need to record and get my songs on the new album. Steve xx